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At Hammerstad there is a lot of activities for everyone....

Hammerstad camping lies in Vaterfjord, right next to Austnesfjorden which is counted as one of the fjords most populated with fish in Europe. The possibilities of a good catch are plenty! We also have 2 small boats for rent, if you want to go fishing by boat. If you for some reason don't want to go by yourself, there's often someone you can go along with. Here you can meet people from all over the world and have a nice chat after todays catch.

Lofotens wild and magnificent nature which have impressed many people. Hammerstad Camping is surrounded by beautiful nature and invites to many experiences whether you choose to take a trip in the lowlands or up into the mountains.

From Hammerstad You can have a good place to start for example a kayak-trip to Trollfjorden.


Sights & Activities in Lofoten: 


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